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ISS is in the process of rolling out a new governance rating called QuickScore, that will replace the GRID rating system.  According to ISS,  QuickScore will help institutional investors identify and monitor potential governance risk in their portfolios and help companies identify possible investor concerns based on signals of governance risk. 

ISS is offering issuers the opportunity to verify certain data used by ISS.  Companies within the ISS Governance QuickScore coverage universe have access to ISS’ free data verification site beginning Monday, January 28. At that time, companies can begin to review the data ISS has collected on the ISS Governance QuickScore factors. Companies that submit data requests prior to February 8 will receive feedback from ISS no later than February 15. Any submissions made after February 8 will still be assessed by ISS and taken into consideration for the company’s QuickScore available at launch. However, feedback from ISS regarding the request will not be received by the company until after ISS Governance QuickScore is launched in late February/early March. The data verification site will close on February 15 and will remain closed until product launch. After product launch, companies will again be able to log-in and verify their data.

Check frequently for updated information on the JOBS Act, the Dodd-Frank Act and other important securities law matters