Developments in Securities Regulation, Corporate Governance, Capital Markets, M&A and Other Topics of Interest. MORE

The Financial Stability Oversight Council, or FSOC, voted on December 18, 2014 to release a notice seeking public comment regarding potential risks to U.S. financial stability from asset management products and activities, including hedge funds.  FSOC is seeking input from the public about potential risks associated with liquidity and redemptions, leverage, operational functions, and resolution in the asset management industry.


Stinson Leonard Street LLP provides sophisticated transactional and litigation legal services to clients ranging from individuals and privately held enterprises to national and international public companies. As one of the 75 largest firms in the U.S., Stinson Leonard Street has more than 520 attorneys and offices in 14 cities, including Minneapolis, Mankato and St. Cloud, Minn.; Kansas City, St. Louis and Jefferson City, Mo.; Phoenix, Ariz.; Denver, Colo.; Washington, D.C.; Decatur, Ill.; Wichita and Overland Park, Kan.; Omaha, Neb.; and Bismarck, N.D.

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