The SEC brought an enforcement action against The Brink’s Company for using confidentiality agreements that the SEC alleged violated Exchange Act Rule 21F-17. That rule prohibits any person from taking any action to impede an individual from communicating directly with the Commission, including by “enforcing, or threatening to enforce, a confidentiality agreement….” The SEC has
Developments in Securities Regulation, Corporate Governance, Capital Markets, M&A and Other Topics of Interest. MORE
SEC Awards First Ever $4.5 Million to Internal Whistleblower
By Steve Quinlivan on
SEC Whistleblower Publicizes Anonymous Tip with Press Campaign
By Steve Quinlivan on

CPA Can’t be a Whistleblower for Non-Public Entities
By Steve Quinlivan on

Supreme Court to Determine Scope of Whistleblower Protection
By Steve Quinlivan on

CFTC Revises Whistleblower Rule to Enhance Anti-Retaliation Protection
By Steve Quinlivan on

SEC Exams Looking for Whistleblower Violations
By Steve Quinlivan on

SEC Brings Second Whistleblower Retaliation Case
By Steve Quinlivan on

OSHA Addresses Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Releases
By Steve Quinlivan on

SDNY Awards Front Pay in Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Retaliation Case
By Steve Quinlivan on