As the CFTC gears up to implement the Dodd-Frank Act through the more than 60 rulemakings required of it over the next eleven months, it has taken the unusual step of publishing a notice soliciting “across the board” public input before publishing any proposed rules. The Commission has set up electronic mailboxes for 29 of the 30 categories of rulemakings it has identified as necessary for implementation of the Act. The e-mail addresses for each rulemaking category are available by clicking on a category and then on the hyperlinked address included in the description of that category.
As many observers have questioned the adequacy of the Commission’s resources to promulgate so many rules in so little time, this informal public comment process may present a valuable opportunity to provide input that frames some of the rules before they are ever released for comment—after which the tight timeline required of the Commission might make it disinclined to do any significant reshaping.