The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, or MSRB, is seeking comment on proposed rule changes that would set forth in a single rule the requirements to and process by which brokers, dealers and municipal securities dealers (“dealers”) and municipal advisors (collectively “regulated entities”) register with the MSRB. The substance of the single rule would be similar to that of existing rules, with the exception of new requirements to provide additional contact and firm identification information, as well as data concerning the scope of dealer activities.
Currently, regulated entities must reference a series of MSRB rules when registering with the MSRB, as there is no single “registration” rule. Prior to engaging in municipal securities or municipal advisory activities, regulated entities must, consistent with Rule A-12, supply basic identifying information to the MSRB and pay an initial fee.
The purpose of the proposed registration rule, revised Rule A-12, is to delineate succinctly and clearly in one location the requirements and process for MSRB registration and to resolve certain other regulatory issues that are not fully addressed by existing MSRB rules. The proposed changes would result in the elimination of three current MSRB rules, Rules A-14, A-15, and G-40, as well as two forms, Forms RTRS and G-40. These forms would be replaced by the single new electronic Form A-12.
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