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The SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance has realigned the work of its disclosure program to promote collaboration, transparency and efficiency. As a result of the realignment, the disclosure program staff will focus their efforts through one of four groups:

  • Disclosure Review Program. The SEC will conduct the majority of its selective and required filing reviews in seven industry focused offices. Kyle Moffatt will lead the Disclosure Review Program and continue to serve as the Division’s Chief Accountant.
  • Specialized Policy and Disclosure. Michele Anderson will continue to oversee the work of the Offices of International Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions and Structured Finance and will oversee corporate governance policy matters across the Division. Former Assistant Director Sonia Barros will work with Ms. Anderson on these governance matters.
  • Office of Risk and Strategy. Shelly Luisi will continue to lead the SEC’s work in this area. Cecilia Blye will join Catherine Brown and Angela Crane to provide filing review teams with guidance on developing risks and evolving disclosures.
  • Office of Assessment and Continuous Improvement. Cicely LaMothe will lead this new office which will evaluate the effectiveness of the SEC’s disclosure review program. Former Assistant Directors Barbara Jacobs and Amanda Ravitz and former Senior Assistant Chief Accountants Andrew Mew and Jim Rosenberg will join her in this work.

The Division will continue to assign companies and filings to review offices by their principal industry focus using Standard Industrial Classification codes and will reassign all companies currently assigned to the previous eleven AD Offices to one of the following seven offices:

Office Chief Senior Advisor
Energy & Transportation Brad Skinner John Reynolds
Finance Melissa Rocha John Nolan
Life Sciences Suzanne Hayes Daniel Gordon
Manufacturing Anne Nguyen Parker Martin James
Real Estate & Construction Joel Parker Pamela Long
Technology Larry Spirgel Craig Wilson
Trade & Services Mara Ransom Jim Allegretto

Company reassignments to these offices will occur on September 29. A company’s office assignment will appear, as it does now, at the top of the company’s EDGAR filing history on

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