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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or CFPB, announced a key initial step in implementing its Nonbank Supervision program — the publication of the Mortgage Origination Examination Procedures. These procedures are a field guide for CFPB examiners looking at mortgage originators in both the bank and nonbank sectors of the industry.

According to the CFPB, these product-specific procedures are an extension of the CFPB’s general Supervisory and Examination Manual. The Mortgage Origination Examination Procedures outline the CFPB’s supervisory approach to ensure mortgage originators — lenders and brokers — comply with federal consumer financial laws. In particular, the Mortgage Origination Examination Procedures describe the types of information that the agency’s examiners will gather to evaluate mortgage originators’ policies and procedures, assess whether originators are in compliance with applicable laws, and identify risks to consumers throughout the mortgage origination process. The examination manual tracks key mortgage originator activities, from initial advertisements and marketing practices to closing practices.

Check frequently for updates on the Dodd-Frank Act and other important securities law matters.

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